Linyon Demokratik Seselwa
Bel Ombre
Directly Elected Member

The Honorable Member, Mr. Sandy John Arissol was born on the 8th May 1977.

Hon. Arissol completed his studies at the Seychelles Polytechnic and he later worked as a Lab Technician for ten years.

He started his career in politics in 2007 when he joined the Seychelles National Party (SNP). In that same year he stood as a Candidate for SNP for the District of St Louis and was elected as a Member of the 4th National Assembly.

After serving five years representing his District SNP did not participate in the 5th National Assembly Elections however, Hon. Arissol continued to work as the Deputy Secretary General for the Party.

In September 2016, he was elected as a Member of the 6th National Assembly for the District of St Louis for the Opposition Party, Linyon Demokratik Seselwa (LDS). As well as representing the District of St Louis in the National Assembly, Hon. Arissol is also a Member of two Committees namely, the Committee on Government Assurances (COGA) and the Committee on Reforms and Modernisation.

Hon Arissol was elected as a Member of the 7th Assembly for the District of Bel Ombre and is the Chief Whip. He also serves on the Defence and Security Committee and the Finance and Public Accounts Committee.