Linyon Demokratik Seselwa
Baie Lazare
Directly Elected Member

The Honorable Member, Mr. Francois Adelaide was born on the 28th May 1974.

Hon. Adelaide completed his studies at the School of Nursing in 1996 with a Certificate in General Nursing. He later went on to work as a Nurse for the Ministry of Health from 1997 to 2001.

From 2002 to 2015, Hon. Adelaide was self-employed as a Motor Vehicle Trader.

He later ventured into a career in Politics and in September 2016, he was elected as a Member of the 6th National Assembly for the District of Baie Lazare for the Opposition Party, Linyon Demokratik Seselwa (LDS).

As well as representing the District of Baie Lazare in the National Assembly, Hon. Adelaide is also a Member of two Committees namely, the Committee on Communicable Disease, HIV/AIDS, and Sexual Reproductive Health and the Vice-Chairperson on the Committee Defense & Security.

He enjoys playing music and meeting with his constituency to encourage citizens to be independent, be it economically and socially. He is also passionate about encouraging business opportunities and empowering people within the community.