The Defence and Security Committee of the National Assembly that is Chaired by Hon. Clifford Andre held a site visit at the Seychelles People’s Defence Forces (SPDF) Headquarters and the Seychelles Coast Guard (SCG) on Thursday the 22nd of April 2021.


The visits aimed to formally introduce the Members of the Committee to the Chief of Defence Forces and Senior Commanding Officers of the two Units. It was also an opportunity for the Members to have on-site knowledge of what infrastructures are in place and what facilities and requirements are needed for the future that is in line with the SPDF’s strategic development.


Some issues related to the approved Budget for the year of 2021 were also taken up as it was not possible to do so prior to the Budget debate due to Covid-19 restrictions that were in place.  Other Members who attended the visits were Hon. Francois Adelaide, Hon. Sandy Arissol, Hon. Churchill Gill, Hon. Michel Roucou and Hon. Doyace Poris. The visits were led by Colonel Michael Rosette, the Chief of Defence Forces at the SPDF Headquarters and Lieutenant Colonel Jean Attala, Commanding Officer at the Seychelles Coast Guard.
